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Advisory Council (Unit Treasurers)

The Advisory Council is made up of the official “Treasurers” of each member unit of the FRRS. Member units include the towns, schools, and various agencies in Franklin County (see current list below). The council plays a minor role in governing the retirement system, mostly as oversight of the election of 3 out of 5 members of the retirement board, but also occasionally when board action requires secondary approval of the council (as per various state laws and regulations). The council also has the opportunity to discuss the annual budget of the retirement system, but has no approval authority. The annual meeting of the council is held in the 4th quarter of each calendar year. The law, and the bylaws listed below are short and interesting to read.

List of employer units: List of FRRS units
(Please note that Greenfield and Montague are not member units. They each have their own retirement system and board.

Provision for the the Council is contained in: MGL 34b, § 19 (g), (h)

Meetings are scheduled to be held in the meeting room, in Suite 108, at 101 Munson Street in Greenfield Massachusetts unless otherwise noted.

Here is the “otherwise noted”:

To stem the spread of Covid-19, meetings will be accomplished with remote participation by the members of the council, with remote live access by the public provided. Please find below log-in instructions for the soonest upcoming meeting:

Members of the public will be able to view and listen depending on their device of choice, however you will be muted and unable to speak without permission from the Council Chair. To request permission, you must “raise your hand” by clicking the appropriate button on your device, or by “dialing” *9 if you are on a landline phone.

To log in on your device, click the link below, then download and install the Zoom application appropriate for your device, and then return to the log in page to join the meeting (or type in the meeting ID and password manually). Further instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting

If you simply want to hear the audio on your phone, dial one of the numbers below (any one) and follow the audible instructions to log in. Further instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joining-a-meeting-by-phone


Minutes of the Council:

1979 – 2023 Advisory Council minutes


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